Kevin & Helen Honoré, Bright Hope World

Kevin & Helen Honoré

Regular support from OCC

Bright Hope World is a New Zealand based Christian Non Government Organisation (NGO)

Facilitating partnerships in many developing countries

Developing new partnerships

Leading a team of volunteer facilitators in their fields of operation

Frequent travel

 You can check out the BHW website at 
They also have a blog which can be followed at

Phil & Jill TAIT

Phil & Jill TAIT

Phil & Jill Tait, Papua New Guinea

Regular support from OCC

Phil on the faculty of CLTC, PNG

Teaches the Masters programme and involved in leadership and administration of the college

Jill works part-time in NZ as a nurse and is developing a dentistry programme in PNG

CMCT India (Christian Missions Charitable Trust) Soup Kitchen

Regular support from OCC

Regular feeding of elderly and street people in several locations

Many of the people are dependent on the food and friendship

For more information about the Soup Kitchen and CMCT have a look at their website

Gill family

Azam and Barbara Gill, Pakistan

Quarterly support from OCC

Church planting around Pakistan

Operating Horizon School for more than 150 poor children

Running sewing classes in rural villages to empower vulnerable women

maloveretaki family

Williame & Lavinia Maloveretaki and Elidad, Suva - Fiji

Regular support from OCC

Leading the WEC Pasifika team

Mobilising missionaries for global engagement

Involved in several church plants among different ethnic groups

Shotbolt family

Aidan and Bonnie Shotbolt, Tandem Ministries, NZ

Regular support from OCC

Overseeing the Leadership Development and Human Resources team

Training and mentoring tandem team members for University Campus ministry

fowles family

Daryl and Katie Fowles, Working with Family Life, NZ

Regular support from OCC

Their vision is to see families flourishing and thriving in New Zealand

This is achieved through running Family Life seminars for married couples

And equipping families with tools to help their families to thrive